Robin Roberts



You Have to Decide…

Which Dreams to Follow, and Which to Leave Behind





            Lucius met his mother and Maximus at the docks in Ostia, and together, the three departed for Spain, much to the young prince’s excitement.  Thousands of people followed in their wake, weeping, rejoicing, and pleading, but the couple accepted their well wishes and moved on.  Neither the princess nor the general looked back until they stood on the deck of their ship, Italy far behind them and the sun dropping below the horizon.  Even then, they celebrated.

            Commodus was killed in prison while awaiting trial.  The senate was never able to discover the identity of his murderer, and none of that august body’s members tried too hard.  He died quietly, without fanfare, and the people never cared enough to treat him to a funeral procession.  He was the first emperor to be burnt anonymously.  His ashes were scattered to the four winds.

            Over the years, Maximus and Lucilla married and began a new life together on Maximus’ lands in Spain, rebuilding and rekindling the home and their love.  A family, too, was not long in coming, and Lucius was quickly treated to a baby sister, Serena.  The beautiful little girl was born healthy, and thrived in the warm peace she knew at home.

            The republic failed.  Shortly after Valerius led the legions from the city, Quintus Magnus transferred command of the Praetorian Guard to Presario, and retired.  While he and his family moved on to brighter places and to visit old friends, Rome dropped into chaos.  Presario was one of the first to die; following this, the Praetorian Guard, led by none other than Albinus, auctioned the throne off to the highest bidder.  One of Commodus’ chief advisors, Pertinax, made it to the top, but lasted scarcely three months before being assassinated.  Two other short-lived rulers followed him.

During these two fateful years of civil strife, Maximus began the process of recalling his old legions in preparation.  However, another general by the name of Septimius Severus declared himself Emperor and marched on Rome from the north.   A wry smile lit Maximus’ face upon this, and he released his men, knowing that Rome, although not a republic, was safe.  Severus turned out to be a good leader and emperor, until he made the mistake of leaving a son behind as his heir.





The dream of Rome is still alive.

We Live in the Hearts of Those We Leave Behind.






Author’s note:

            Yes, I stole a few lines from the second draft script.  They were good ones, and it was a shame not to use them.  Please don’t sue me; as always, I’m just having fun.  “Gladiator,” its scenes, characters, etc, don’t belong to me, and I‘m not making any money.  I just love the movie. 

It’s been interesting writing this story… I’m sorry it has taken me so long.  Please don’t take me for a psychopath because of the dark content in this baby.  I’m really a happy person, despite my being at a military school and all.  I really don’t think like this.  I just can get into characters’ heads sometimes.

Now I will try to address some of everyone’s remarks in earlier reviews, because some of them need to be answered:

1 – Russell Crowe’s eyes are “blue/green,” but they sometimes look gray.  That’s why I called them hazel.

2 – As for Liva’s death – her brother is the one who tried to kill Commodus… in case you didn’t guess.  The original significance of her death was just to show how far Rome had fallen, but then I decided to reuse her brother.

3 – How did Commodus know Maximus let Desiree escape?  Easy – like Maximus had known, Presario would not lie unless asked… and he told him not to.  Besides, Commodus knows Maximus’ sense of honor.


Well, that’s really all, unless there’s more questions – which if you email me, I will answer.  Please R&R if you

will, and read my other stuff.